Your Questions Answered
Everything you need to know for a fun, safe, and memorable camp experience!

The following is a list of suggested items needed for camp: Bathing suit and bag for wet suit to return home, Spray sunscreen, Creek shoes, Sweatshirt or jacket on rainy days and an Extra set of clothes. Please make sure all items are marked with your camper’s first and last name! Camp Deer Creek provides swim towels – we ask that you please do not send towels from home. Towels are washed with bleach and hot water each evening for the next day. Please do not send toys, trading cards, electronics, or other unnecessary items! We recommend that you do not send any valuable items to camp, including those with sentimental value. Camp Deer Creek is not responsible for lost or misplaced items.
Learn more about transportation here.
Yes, a registered nurse is on staff daily during operating hours. Camp Deer Creek’s nurse must administer all medications to campers. All daily medication must be in the original, labeled bottle for the nurse to accept the medication. The nurse must have a 2025 Medication Form completed by a parent/guardian describing the amount, time, and type of medication the camper is to receive. Any camper required to carry an EpiPen or inhaler must also complete the medication form and bring the medication to camp in a zip-lock bag labeled with their name. The nurse is required to keep all EpiPens and inhalers at the nurse’s station for the summer. All medication will be given to the camper to take home on his/her last day of camp. Download the medication form here.
No, Camp Deer Creek will not be in session on the 4th of July. The fun will begin again on Monday, July 7th.
Camp Deer Creek provides a hot lunch daily, included in tuition. If your child has food allergies and/or would prefer a lunch from home, campers are welcome to pack. Please mark lunches clearly with a first name, last name and your child’s group name. Your child is welcome to keep his/her lunch in one of our refrigerated coolers until lunchtime. Please keep in mind that Camp Deer Creek is not peanut or tree nut free. We do offer PB&J sandwiches as an alternative to the daily lunch. It is recommended that those campers with severe allergies or dietary restrictions pack a lunch. View our lunch menu here.
Campers entering second grade, and above, who pass a deep water test will be permitted to swim in the deep end of the pool. Deep water tests are administered every Monday. Once a camper passes the deepwater test, they do not need to take it again until next summer. Campers who do not pass the test will swim in the shallow end. American Red Cross trained and certified lifeguards are with campers in the pool area at all times.
Campers enrolled for riding lessons do not have set days to ride. Riding gear should be brought to camp each day until your child has completed his/her lessons for the week. Riders must have a pair of long pants and boots with a well-defined heel in order to be permitted to ride. Camp Deer Creek will provide a helmet and all other riding equipment. Find riding info here.
Personal electronic devices such as cell phones, watches with internet access, tablets, and video game systems are not permitted during the camp day. Activities are provided to keep your child engaged without cell phones or other electronic devices. We also do not want your camper’s items to be lost, stole nor broken, as Camp Deer Creek will not be held responsible. If you would like your camper to have a cell phone for emergency purposes, it must be given to the bus counselor upon arrival to camp, to be held in the camp office. Cell phones and other devices will be returned during the bus ride home.
In the case of inclement weather, campers will wait out the rain under shelter. If it is only lightly raining, the campers are permitted to continue activities in the rain. If it is excessively hot, campers are kept cool by drinking plenty of water located at each group station, playing in the creek, swimming, and taking shelter under our many trees.
Our pre-camp Open House is scheduled for Saturday, May 31, 2025. Rain or Shine. Families can attend at any time between the hours of 1:00pm and 4:00pm. Staff members will be present to answer questions and give tours. Please contact the office if another time, other than the Open House date, is needed for a tour of the facilities. Please keep in mind we do not schedule any tours until May.
All campers must be signed in upon arrival, in the camp office, by a parent/guardian! Please let your camper’s bus counselor know not to expect your camper at the pick up location that morning.
All campers must be signed out in the camp office! Advanced notice is always appreciated by sending an email with your camper’s name and desired pick up time. We try our hardest to have your camper waiting for you in the office at the time indicated, however delays can and do occur. We kindly ask you refrain from getting your camper between 3:00pm and 3:30pm due to heavy bus traffic and the disruption it causes to dismissal procedures.
Please place all requests on the comment section of your enrollment form. We try our hardest to accommodate, however it may not always be possible and we cannot promise your child will be with their friend 100% of the camp day. Please keep in mind that one of the many wonderful aspects of camp is learning how to make new friends.
Your camper(s) will fall into one of the following groups:
Crickets & Fireflies (Purple Group) - Pre-school aged campers who have not yet attended Kindergarten.
Braves (Red Group) - All campers who have just finished Kindergarten once camp starts.
Pioneers (Yellow Group) - All campers who have just finished First Grade once camp starts.
Rangers (Green Group) - All campers who have just finished Second Grade once camp starts.
Apaches (Blue Group) - All campers who have just finished Third Grade once camp starts.
Chieftains (Orange Group) - All camps who have just finished Fourth & Fifth Grades once camp starts.
Frontiersmen (Gray Group) - All campers who have just finished Sixth grade and above once camp starts.
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